Bob Webb Homes

Bob Webb’s Messy Kitchen – Often Imitated, Never Duplicated
Eversole Run in Jerome Village | Luxury Homes in Dublin School District | Bob Webb Homes Columbus Ohio

Now that you’ve built your dream home (hopefully with Bob Webb), you know you’ve made your first big move towards energy efficiency in every nook and cranny. Because you built your home recently, you can rest assured

Pantry with Panache: We Call it the ‘Messy Kitchen’
Messy Kitchen | Luxury Homes in the Dublin and Olentangy School District | Bob Webb Homes Columbus Ohio

If you’ve been watching the newest kitchen trends, then you know that the butler’s pantry is making a glorious comeback….

More Energy-Saving Tips Now That You’ve Moved In

Now that you’ve built your dream home (hopefully with Bob Webb), you know you’ve made your first big move towards energy efficiency in every nook and cranny. Because you built your home recently, you can rest assured

New Better Than Used

Why Building New is Better Than Buying Used So you’re thinking about buying your dream home. You know, the one…

CityScene: Building a home for empty-nesters before the kids leave

Bob Webb Custom Homes’ Foundation Home in this year’s BIA Parade of Homes is a beautiful example of a fusion…

Best Home Trends for 2016

Come and Get ‘Em! Of course you want to know what’s trending. You may not always embrace the latest trends,…

When, Where, When & How Build

So you’re finally beginning to think seriously about building a new custom home. Year after year you visit the Parade…